February 12, 2009 journal, as the new president has said the federal government is only entity that can bailout this economy. The federal government with the Federal Reserve authorizing daily debt increase. Who is the Federal Reserve? A bunch of gangsters that stole the U.S. dollar in 1913, they have no federal authority and they are not part of this government. You can begin your search for them under the name of Rothschild and also Rockefeller. You can look for them in Klazarland Russia, the nation of Georgia. China has said they will continue buying our treasury bills (credit instruments) which might be greatly discounted considering the world is cashing them out at this shaky time in U*S*A history. If you have as much invested in U.S. credit as China you would not want to rock the boat so the wisest thing to say is, we will continue buying your credit while cashing it all out. China is not wanting to get stuck with it as debt instruments so they play a game. Who would believe Bernie Madoff could steal $50 billion from investors but who could believe the Federal Reserve scheme would have worked for nearly a hundred years now. It was good while it last but it is all over now. It will fight no more wars or finance no more bank bubbles. Like the president said, the federal government is the only source of finance and that is highly questionable if it will last long enough for the ink to dry. U.S.A. may be faced with financial disaster any minute now. Why would China even be thinking or needing to reconfirm their intent to invest in T-bills? Continuing debt creation is really selling human beings and their slave labor to foreign countries as security for their credit. It is a terrible price to pay and no red blooded American would agree, only traitors to the real America. We are a nation of thieves & robbers at the top from Washington to New York and beyond to Chicago with Mobster affiliation or wolfs in sheep's clothing surely. Every day they pump up the stock market to keep it from collapsing, and even on the day they announced the bailout bank stocks fell causing the stock market to lose 400 points. That golden strip between Washington and New York where the magic money operates. The seat of the beast or the government is in New York City and orders flow down I-95 to the Potomac including the Pentagon, the capitol and the president's house. Do not be fooled. This is the bloody trail and it will not change voluntarily until it is bankrupted out. Lincoln is now being memorialized with renovation of the Ford Theater but Lincoln was a fraud like George W. and other presidents that know and operate within their system. Washington is a Masonic Acropolis but the real power is centered into New York City. Abraham Lincoln was a fraud and the Emancipation Declaration was not signed until 18 months after the war had begin and then only addressed to the states that had succeeded from the union over which Lincoln had no power. That document still has not addressed slavery in the northern states. The Civil War was not at all about slavery what about taxes the union imposed on Southern exports. The history books has used this event to the best advantage of the Union and Abraham Lincoln via the Republican Party. Lincoln sold out the entire nation as is evident in everyone's name being spelled in capital letters on every public document or lawsuits. The black Mason's have figured this out and now they are contesting their drivers license being in all capital letters meaning they are property of the state therefore slaves. Actually, we are all slaves to the state and it is time we be freed. The demise of the dollar may be a very good thing for America to get rid of every Anti-Christ federal state Department especially the public demonic Department of Education. We could live much better without the government. It appears we are going to have that chance as the system is falling apart, no amount of printed money is going to save it long.